Denver Electric and Solar: Five Popular Electrical Home Upgrades

Advances in technology are continually improving different aspects of the home. However, many individuals live in places built prior to these recent potential modifications making the need for upgrades a reality. Not only can many of these changes help to reduce a property’s energy consumption, but they also typically make life easier for all those who reside in the home. Not only can these upgrades enhance the power supply of a residence or business, but they can also add value while providing a modern feel regardless of the construction date on a building.

Turning your residence into a smart home can be one of the best upgrades any owner can employ but the availability of upgrades doesn’t end there. For those hoping to make the optimum electrical upgrades, selecting a mix between smart and hardwired modifications can be extremely beneficial. 

Smart Plugs

Smart plugs are one of the most popular upgrades individuals can make to their home. Not only do these devices allow for control of their connected counterparts from a distance, but even inside the home their installations have plenty of useful benefits. These improvements allow homeowners to turn lights on and off when away from their property but they can also be used to allow access for hard to reach areas inside the home.

Remote Fans

Gone are the days of ceiling fans being controlled by pull chains and wall switches. Forget about having to get up once comfortable on the couch to change speeds or turn on an attached light, because these devices rapidly expand to remote control. Upgrading your existing ceiling fans to a remote can dramatically improve the functionality of your home. 

USB Access

One of the most common recommendations individuals have is for more accessibility to power outlets but as technology changed, this need has molded into charging ports and USB needs. While there have been countless devices invented to combat this conflict, upgrading to hardwired USB ports at strategic locations around the home can be even more rewarding. 

Smart Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors are life saving devices which should be installed at various points throughout any home. Upgrading to smart smoke detectors is an option which can take this protection to the next level. By providing notification to homeowners even when they are away from the property, in addition to a variety of other technological advantages, these smart detectors can be especially helpful.

Car Chargers

As the electric car industry continues to grow, having access to at-home charging stations is expanding across the country. While many new construction projects include these devices, an upgrade and installation will be needed for many others who choose to purchase an electric vehicle.

If you have a need for any of these upgrades or other electrical projects around the house, give the Luxray Electric and Solar experts a call today. In addition to providing answers to power surge protection questions, they can also take care of multiple other issues associated within the entire electrical grid of your home. Serving Denver and the surrounding areas for over 15 years, our clients have an extensive history of being supported and helped for a variety of different electrical needs. If you have questions about your services, don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to meeting you and providing the type of service you can rely on whatever your needs may be very soon!
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